Blood & Sweat: I was right...


I was right...

So I was right in my January 19th post. I believe I was the first to post what would happen in Captain America #25.

Captain America was shot by Sharon Carter, Agent 13, after she was brainwashed by Dr. Faustus who was working for Red Skull in Captain America #25.

Captain America is dead... for now. Hopefully Bucky or the Punisher will take over his mantle while he is gone, which would be flawless.

All I have to say is, booyah! to anyone who didn't believe me.

It was a very good issue, with multiple narrators telling their side to the story, one being Sharon, one Bucky, and the other the Falcon, with a fourth at the beginning I believe to be Nick Fury.


          Goodbye To Comics
          Brad Meltzer
          Brian K Vaughn